Care home residents in Wrexham have been having a go at a Paralympic sport, ahead of the games later this year.

Pendine Park's home residents have become fans of the ball game Boccia, first introduced at the Paralympics in 1984 and set to make its 40th anniversary appearance in Paris this summer.

Residents participated in the latest tournament as team Penybryn faced off against team Highfield, led by activities coordinators Elaine Lee and Nicky Clarke.

Boccia, designed specifically for athletes with disabilities affecting their mobility, involves two teams of six trying to get a ball closest to a 'jack' ball, unlike traditional bowls, it uses softer balls and players may throw or roll them from any height.

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Matt Palamarczuk, admin executive and sports co-ordinator at Pendine Park, a certified Boccia coach who also has cerebral palsy, introduced the residents to the game.

Ms Lee said: "When it comes to Boccia, it is now so popular that sometimes we have a job fitting everyone in.

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"But we always manage it in the end.

"We run a lot of recreational activities but we always make a point of asking our residents what they want to be included on the weekly or monthly programme.

"Boccia is one of their favourite activities."

Players Darron Nicholas and Janusz Fas enjoy the tactics needed to roll the ball with just the right force, either to get the closest or, more sneakily, to knock an opponent's ball aside.

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Player Sandra Swift said: "In the end it’s all about team spirit.

"None of us mind supporting a player who might technically be on the other side.

"It’s about us all having a go."

Highlighting the mutual respect among players, Ms Lee said: "What is so nice is the way they all support each other.

"No matter which team they are on they will all encourage whichever player is making a shot at the jack at the time.

"It’s great to see the mutual respect between them for the skill which is involved.

"The more physically able players will get right behind those with less mobility and encourage them to have a go."