By Mark Isherwood

MS for North Wales

As a Patron of the Enbarr Foundation, the award-winning non-profit community interest company which has rescued the John Summers Clock Tower site at the old Steelworks in Deeside and turned it into a community hub, I visited Enbarr Enterprises in Queensferry for a catch-up on the need to protect this Grade II-listed site for future generations.

The progress they have made in regenerating this wonderful location has been impressive. This exciting project, with the former Steelworks office building and iconic Clock Tower at its core, is bringing local people, businesses and community organisations together to plan, develop and build the future of both the site and the surrounding community.

During an online meeting with the Partnerships and Public Affairs Officer for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and the Wales Adviser for the Catholic Education Service, we discussed the need for pupils in state-funded Catholic schools in Wales which are in danger of closure because of the state of their buildings to receive the same opportunities as in other schools.

Local Authorities across Wales can have quite differing views and procedures relating to Catholic school rebuilds and a more consistent approach is needed.

28,176 pupils are educated in state-funded Catholic schools in Wales, only 50.3% of whom are Catholic, although 80% are from a faith background.

Catholic schools serve local communities across Wales, with inclusivity at their heart.

I took part in research surveys carried out on behalf of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, regarding how the Health Board is working, and how they communicate on new developments and service improvements; and on behalf of Citizens Advice, to understand perceptions of their brand and services, and how they can best support and communicate.

The Labour Government has implemented a new 182-day rule on Furnished Holiday Lets. This will disrupt Welsh tourism on an unimaginable scale and affect a huge number of family run small businesses, including many in North-East Wales. The Labour Government did not listen to the tourism industry, they did not listen to the families running the accommodations, they did not listen to areas of Wales that suffer from under-tourism, they did not listen. This has sent shockwaves through the industry, with many legitimate businesses not knowing what to do.

Less than half of at risk eye patients are being seen within target in Wales. This is another clear example of Labour’s failure to bear down on Wales’ excessive waiting lists, risking serious harm to patients.

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