NORTH Wales Police are reminding residents to be considerate after receiving an 'unsurprisingly' high volume of calls related to fireworks.

The majority of anti-social calls made to Flintshire police yesterday evening (November 2) were related to fireworks, with seven incidents being confirmed and four concerns for safety.

Police are reminding all residents that it is illegal to set off fireworks between the hours of 11pm and 8am and into or on the highway.


"They are a cause for community tension every year", a spokesperson said. "We ask that you're considerate of your neighbours if you are having a display at home."

Police have also received multiple calls in the Holywell area regarding youths setting off fireworks on the High Street. Stop searches were concluded and several youths have now been identified and will receive yellow cards.

A reminder to everyone to stay safe while enjoying the Bonfire celebrations this week and weekend.