Families can find out more about wool at Loggerheads Country Park this half term.

The Nature for Health event, ‘Reasons to Love Wool’, will be held at the park on Tuesday, October 29, from 10.30am until 3pm.

This free family event will have activities and demonstrations to celebrate the 'versatility' of wool and its 'many uses'.

Gill Britten from Gwlangollen, The Clwyd Spinners Guild, and local producer Callum Glass of Sheep Floof will support the event.

Demonstrations and activities available will range from craft and heritage skills to more practical uses for wool, such as insulation and horticultural applications.

Councillor Alan James, lead member for local development and planning, said: "This will be a fantastic event at Loggerheads for all ages to learn about how important and valuable wool is in our lives today, and I would encourage people to drop in to take part in the activities."