SAM Rowlands, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, is delighted to hear Wrexham’s refurbished markets will open next month.

Mr Rowlands, Chair of the Senedd’s Cross-Party Group on Tourism said: “I am really pleased to hear that the much needed revamp for Wrexham markets is near completion and the reopening will coincide with this years popular Victorian Christmas Market.

(Image: SWG Construction)

“It is great that the launch will be at the same time as the city’s largest seasonal event which always attracts locals and visitors alike and a fantastic opportunity for local businesses and traders to take advantage of more people being in Wrexham.

“The city, as we all know, has become a destination of choice for many visitors from all over the world and I am delighted to support this four day event to celebrate the reopening of the Butchers and the General Market.”

(Image: SWG Construction)

After more than three decades since the last refurbishment, works on the Butchers Market, as well as the General Market are nearing completion on their much needed revamp.

With some unexpected additional works having caused a delay, which isn’t uncommon in older buildings, the market will now officially open on November 28.


This delay means the refurbished markets will now launch alongside Wrexham’s largest seasonal event, the Victorian Christmas Market, which has now been extended to a four-day market, with the addition of traditional wooden chalets.

To compliment this, the refurbished markets’ four-day launch will also have a Victorian theme, echoing the Butchers’ Market’s 1992 refurbishment launch.

The combined events of the refurbished markets four-day launch and the Victorian Christmas Market is expected to draw more foot traffic into the city, offering a vibrant atmosphere for locals and visitors alike, as well as increased opportunities for market traders and local businesses during the festive season.

For more information about the refurbished markets four-day launch, be sure to follow the new Wrexham Markets Facebook page.