NORTH Wales Police have issued safety advice to residents following a residential burglary in the Flintshire area.

On the evening of Wednesday, October 16 a break in was reported at Courtland Drive in Shotton. The conservatory of the property was forced open, however, the offender was not able to get further into the property.

A police spokesperson said: "We have received a report today of a residential burglary in the Higher Shotton area.

"A community alert has been sent to those in the vicinity of the affected address to ask for information - and we will be conducting patrols in the area over the coming days.


"Please ensure all windows and doors are locked and if you do have outdoor lighting or other deterrents check these are functioning."

Police will also continue their OP Blue Instinct project where they patrol areas and identify possible vulnerable properties and offer advice before a crime is committed.

As always, if you notice something suspicious please contact North Wales Police as a priority.