Frustration has been voiced over ongoing uncertainty regarding the location of next year's National Eisteddfod in Wrexham.

It follows claims that an announcement of the site, which was expected to be made at an event at Ty Pawb in the city centre on Saturday, had to be delayed as negotiations with the landowner continued.

It's understood land near Erddig has been selected as the preferred location for the annual celebration of the language and culture of Wales, but contractual discussions have dragged on longer than anticipated.

The issue was raised by Marc Jones, leader of the Plaid Cymru group on Wrexham Council, at a meeting of the local authority's executive board held this morning (Tuesday, 8 October).

He said people had been left disappointed by the lack of information from the event's organisers.

He said: “There was a really good event in Ty Pawb last weekend that gave a taste of Welsh culture in advance of the National Eisteddfod.

“As part of that, there was going to be an announcement on the location of the Eisteddfod.

“People are really looking forward to finding out where it’s going to be, and so it was quite a disappointment.

“There was some frustration expressed to me on the day that there was no announcement.”

He added: “I know this is a matter for the Eisteddfod committee itself, but the council has input on this, and I think it's important that we have clarity on it.

“I'm getting asked on a regular basis what's happening. It is very late in the day, so I’d just like an update on where we are in terms of ensuring that we have the best possible location.”

The National Eisteddfod was last held in Wrexham in 2011 and took place on an area of farmland off Ruthin Road.

It's understood Wrexham city centre was previously considered as one possible location for next year's event, with six sites assessed overall.

Some suggested venues were later ruled out after being highlighted as unsuitable by the emergency services.

Executive board member Hugh Jones (Cons), the council's champion for the Welsh language, said negotiations regarding the preferred site were ongoing, but he could not disclose further information for commercial reasons.

He said: “Throughout the process, our officers have worked very closely and supported the Eisteddfod committee, because it is in our interest as much as theirs.

“The commercial decision is one for the Eisteddfod committee to make, and they need to be satisfied with the commercial arrangements.

“I am aware of the current state of the negotiations, but due to the commercial sensitivity, it would be inappropriate for me to make any comments other than the fact that we continue to work very closely with the committee.”


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Council leader Mark Pritchard (Ind) joined calls for clarity to be provided urgently on the location.

He said: “We all support the Eisteddfod. Everybody in Wrexham does and across Wales because of what it stands for in terms of the culture and the Welsh language.

“All I would say is that the sooner the announcement is made, the better, because then it confirms a way forward.”