A FLINTSHIRE family has been ordered to pay out more than £2,000 after an unauthorised absence from school. 

It comes as school attendance levels in Flintshire are now above the Welsh average following action from Flintshire County Council.

In 2023, the council’s education department committed to taking a more robust approach in response to unauthorised absences recorded by primary and secondary schools as part of its strategy to improve attendance rates for Flintshire learners.

This approach, in conjunction with action from the schools, has resulted in the attendance level of Flintshire learners being in the top 4 nationally, as reported by Welsh Government.

Where the levels of persistent absenteeism have continued despite support and intervention, parents have received Fixed Penalty Notices or have progressed to court action when all other avenues have failed to improve attendance.

The local Magistrates have reinforced the seriousness of unauthorised absence this summer with one family receiving a fine/costs of £2,048 in August 2024.

The Education Welfare Service has targeted resources to support learners across the county and has resulted in an overall attendance of nearly 1% above the average for Wales. 

The local authority prioritised attendance monitoring of learners, particularly those in Year 6 and 7 that fell below the 90% target for attendance. Families have been engaged as part of the actions and supported to improve pupil attendance. 


Claire Homard, chief officer for education, said: “It is very pleasing to see that the work we are undertaking as a council to secure high levels of pupil attendance at school is having a positive impact and our performance is now one of the best in Wales.

“Consistent school attendance is vital in ensuring that our learners achieve their potential and have the skills and qualifications to move forward successfully into further and higher education and the world of work.

"We will continue to take a robust approach where families are not supporting their children’s regular attendance at school.”