CALLS have been made to install a crossing on a road in Wrexham "before a child is injured". 

Concerns have been raised by residents in Coedpoeth regarding a section of the A525, the main road through the village. 

With a large number of school children crossing the road daily, there are worries that if a crossing isn't installed then it could lead to a child getting injured. 

The area of concern is near Poplar Close, where the pavement stops on one side of the road. 

One concerned resident, who wished to remain anonymous has called on Wrexham Council to install a crossing in the area.

The resident said: "On a daily basis throughout the school term I see children being exposed to an unnecessary risk of being run over on the road between the junction of Poplar Close and A525 Heol Maelor.

"The pavement there stops and children are left vulnerable and exposed to the heavy traffic throughout these periods, this road must be crossed by a large number of students to attend both primary and secondary and parents accompanying children to nursery.


"It is confusing as to why there is no school patrol present in this area already. Particularly for the children awaiting buses for the likes of Ysgol Clywedog who have to cross this road as lorries, buses, speeding cars present the current risks.

"There is a desperate need for a school crossing patrol to help children and adults cross the road in a safe way while they are walking to and from school.

"The council needs a policy-led approach to installing a crossing in this area – if it really wants to encourage more safe walking like it says it does, it needs to install more safe crossing patrols to make people/children feel safer walking to schools. 

"Please install a crossing patrol where children and others need it before a child is injured."

Cllr Terry Evans said “Anyone with requests regarding traffic issues such as Pedestrian crossings, parking restrictions and traffic calming  can contact us by emailing-”