A MOLD man has been fined after stealing beers from a shop twice in one day.

Ricky Richardson, of Llys John Dafis in Denbigh Road, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday afternoon.

The 40-year-old admitted that on September 8 this year, he stole beers worth £4.99 from Best One in Mold - followed by an identical offence on the same date to the value of £5.28.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that on the day in question, Richardson attended the store and took a number of beers to the till.

But when his card payment was declined, he just took the beers anyway.

He returned a few hours later and picked up two beers; drinking one in the shop and then walking away with the other.

Richardson was intoxicated when police caught up with and arrested him.

In interview, he claimed he told officers he "couldn't remember" in response to all questions.

Gary Harvey, defending, said: "There's not much to add - that summarises it.


"He doesn't remember much about it and has some issues with alcohol."

Mr Harvey asked the court to take his client's early guilty plea into account.

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "Mr Richardson, shops can't cope with people nicking from them - you know that."

A fine of £50 was imposed for each of the two thefts.

Richardson must pay compensation to the value of the beers he took, as well as £85 costs.