A MAN has been sentenced following a shocking street fight with his cousin.

Alister Karlikowski, of Park Hill Avenue in Gwersyllt, appeared for sentence at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday.

The 25-year-old had previously admitted using threatening or abusive words or behaviour in Wrexham.

Prosecutor Justin Espie largely let a CCTV clip of the offence speak for itself.

In the video, Karlikowski could be seen engaging in an altercation with another man in Chester Street.

Mr Espie drew to the court's attention the fact that the incident took place in "broad daylight" in front of members of the public, including a group with children who turned away as the men grappled and fought.

During the altercation, which was described as "sustained," Karlikowski was seen throwing numerous punches at the other man.

A probation officer told the court: "The person he was fighting with on this occasion is his cousin.

"There is some family history between the two.

"He'd been ruminating on it and on the day in question, he had been drinking and described himself as seven out of ten on the drunkenness scale.

"He doesn't remember much of the physical altercation but accepts it was in broad daylight with members of the public and children there.

"He's sorry and said children shouldn't see that behaviour in town.
"It's totally unacceptable."

Euros Jones, defending, made limited representation to the court, following the thorough input of the Probation Service.

"Mr Karlikowski knows that should not have happened," he said.


"He has no previous convictions for violence."

Mr Jones added that on the last occasion, the court had been considering imposing a community order.

The Magistrates characterised the defendant's behaviour as a loss of control, and handed down a 12 month community order with 20 days of rehabilitation activity and a £200 fine.

He must also pay a £114 victim surcharge and £85 costs.