A MAN who threatened to kill his dad and burn his house down has been put behind bars.

Andrew Royce, of no fixed abode, was produced in custody at Mold Magistrates Court on Friday.

The 41-year-old admitted that on September 25, at Montgomery Road in Wrexham, he made a threat to kill George Royce.

On that occasion, he also threatened that fire damage would be made to property belonging to George Royce.

The offences put him in breach of a five month suspended sentence impose earlier this year.

Prosecutor Shane Maddocks told the court that the victim is Andrew Royce's father, and that on Wednesday this week police were called out following a verbal altercation between them.

The defendant was arrested in order to prevent a breach of the peace and was taken to custody at Llay.

He was then returned to the victim's address and asked to stay there for a period of time, which George Royce initially agreed to as long as he didn't become intoxicated.

But soon after, an argument took place.

During the altercation, a witness heard the defendant tell his dad: "I'll kill you and burn your house down."

As such, the police were called and the defendant was arrested once more.

Andrew Royce (NWP)Andrew Royce (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police) Lorraine McClure, defending, said: "The defendant has accepted his responsibility for this short-lived argument.

"When I spoke to him, he said 'I can't believe I'm here - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this to my dad.'

"Unfortunately, he knowns he shouldn't have said certain words. They both said things they don't mean."


Ms McClure said while the threats may have been "throwaway" comments, it was accepted that anyone who heard them would be alarmed.

She added that a restraining order, which had been asked for by the prosecution, would be in the interests of both parties as their relationship had reached "an impasse."

"It's best they stay apart," she added.

The Magistrates handed down a 26 week sentence for the threats and activated the five-month suspended sentence to run consecutive; making a total of 11 months imprisonment.

The defendant must pay a victim surcharge of £187.

A two-year restraining order was imposed to prevent the defendant from attending his dad's address or contacting/approaching him.