A WOMAN who damaged a police cell by urinating on a bench has been fined.

Eleanor Ann Green, of Barnfield in Wrexham, was produced in custody at Mold Magistrates Court on Friday morning.

The 32-year-old admitted that on Thursday (September 26), she damaged a cell at Llay Police Headquarters.

Prosecutor Shane Maddocks told the court that in the early hours of the morning, Green was taken to the custody facility at Llay for an unrelated incident.

After being allocated a cell, she decided to put a pillow into the toilet followed by a blanket.

Green went on to throw toilet paper and urinate on the bench in the cell.
Mr Maddocks told the court the cell had to be cleaned at a cost of £36.92.

The defendant had nine previous convictions for 11 offences.

Patrick Geddes, defending, told the court his client struggles with her mental health and is "seeking assistance from various agencies."


He asked the Magistrates to consider that Green had spent a day in custody and that the damage caused was limited, adding: "She is still relatively lightly convicted."

Mr Geddes also emphasised that his client had entered her guilty plea at the first opportunity.

Green received an £80 fine and must pay £36.92 compensation, as well as £85 costs.

She was told such conduct in police custody was "not fair" for those who have to clean up after her.