A SPECIAL fundraiser is being held tomorrow for young Halli-Rose from Wrexham.

Georgia Hooson and Jordan Price’s daughter Halli-Rose, aged 2, was born with a rare genetic condition caused by chromosomes in her body.

As a result, it means she is deaf, must be tube-fed and will need a wheelchair as she gets older and continues to grow.

Organised by family friends Daniel and Kirsty Jones, the fundraising event will take place at the Gate Hangs High, 12pm until 4pm, and will feature fantastic live entertainment, including DJ Jamie Salvatore Borrelli, bouncy castle, food and activities. Entry tickets are £5.

Beautiful Halli-RoseBeautiful Halli-Rose (Image: David Jones)

There will also be a raffle featuring wonderful prizes kindly donated by local businesses and restaurants across Wrexham, including the Fat Boar, Levant, the Midland and Chevron Ragzi, as well as beauty and hair salon vouchers.

The aim of the event is to raise medical awareness for Halli's condition and funds to ensure her new family home can be adapted to allow her full potential. See the Go Fund Me page here.

Organiser Daniel said: "Halli-Rose is a beautiful little girl who was born with a life long medical condition resulting in her being non verbal, deaf and unable to walk.

Organisers and proud family friends, David and Kirsty JonesOrganisers and family friends, Daniel and Kirsty Jones (Image: David Jones)

"It's extremely rare which is why treatment is delayed and medical professionals don't have the insight they need. Every day is different for her.

"Despite all this Halli is a beautiful bubbly girl who is incredibly strong and such a fighter. Halli has a special place in a lot people’s hearts, and this funday is not only to raise money for Halli-Rose, to provide the things she needs, but also to raise awareness of rare medical conditions."

Mum Georgia from Wrexham added: "I am forever grateful for Daniel and his wife Kirsty who have managed to get businesses such as Mountain Warehouse, McDonald's and others in Wrexham to donate.


"The funds will mainly go towards the garden and her daily needs. Halli has to have 24 hour care by myself, including peg feeing. She isn't mobile and can't walk so has specialised equipment.

"Thanks to donations we've already made a massive difference to the garden already, but still remains ongoing. I would love for my little girl to be able to go outside and enjoy her surroundings."

The family moved into a new home last year to allow for more space and to improve accessibility.

The event scheduled for the weekend will make a huge difference, and enable Halli to receive the support and care she needs.