A PRISONER has been handed extra time behind bars for a "cowardly and sneaky" attack on a fellow inmate.

Wayne Daley, an inmate at HMP Berwyn, appeared at Mold Crown Court via video link for sentence on Thursday morning.

The 27-year-old had previously admitted one offence of wounding/inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Nicholas Williams, prosecuting, told the court that the offence took place at Berwyn when he and his victim, Simon Cairns, were both prisoners at the establishment.

The court heard that on the afternoon of November 13 last year, Cairns was leaving his cell to go to education when he bumped into another prisoner (not Daley).

The prisoner told him to 'watch himself' or he'd 'have a slap."

He apologised and carried on to education, but minutes later he was set upon from behind by Daley, who punched him to the jaw, then the ear several times.

As he ended up on one knee, Daley punched him yet again as he tried to shield his head.

The defendant was then restrained by officers.

Cairns immediately suspected his jaw was broken, and x-rays done in hospital confirmed it.

He required surgery including the installation of screws and plates to fix the injury.

The court heard his jaw was painful after surgery and he struggled to open his mouth.

Mr Williams said assaults at the jail undermine rehabilitation and have an impact on the wider prison community.

Daley had 17 previous convictions for 23 offences, including wounding and assault.

He'd also assaulted another inmate at Berwyn five months prior to his attack on Cairns.

Matthew Dunford, defending, told the court: "He wrongly believed the man he assaulted was 'out to get him' and that's what led to this action.

"He has made it clear to me he is in no way seeking to avoid responsibility for his actions or go behind his guilty plea.

"I ask the court to accept he was acting impulsively when he committed this offence.


"He lacked the thinking skills needed to resolved the issue in a better way and it may be linked to his diagnoses of ADHD and OCD.

"He does have a poor record, but there is a positive side to this young man as well."

Judge Niclas Parry told the defendant: "You are an extremely violent and dangerous man when crossed and you have a poor record.

"Worryingly, it includes another assault on a prisoner, five months before the matter we're dealing with today.

"On that occasion, you carried out a sustained attack on another - that was cowardly and sneaky, and this one was cowardly and sneaky as well.

"Violence in Berwyn prison is an increasingly worrying problem and the courts in north Wales will do what they can do deal with that by passing appropriate sentences."

The Judge handed down a 16 month custodial term, to run consecutive to Daley's ongoing jail time.