A MAN who was seen 'waving' a knife around in a city-centre pub has been spared jail.

Jeremy Stokes, of Y Wern, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

The 45-year-old had previously admitted one offence of possessing a knife in a public place.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on April 8 this year, CCTV operators and police were notified that Stokes had been detained by security staff at the Midland Pub in Wrexham.

Officers arrived and were informed two females had seen him sat at a table holding a blade; which he "waved around."

Security had taken hold of him and recovered the 'wooden-handled folding lock knife.'

Bethan Jones, defending, told the court: "I had the opportunity of seeing the footage.

"The knife in his possession is not brandished towards anyone, but it is in his hand."

Ms Jones explained her client's initial court hearing had to be stood down as there were serious concerns about his mental health.


After a remand in custody for his own safety, he was released on bail with "strong assistance" from mental health teams.

Ms Jones continued: "Between April and today, he has been sectioned three times and has had extremely good healthcare.

"I accept this is a serious offence but he has no recollection of it all.

"It was committed during extreme mental health issues and he has received the help he desperately needed.

"The sad thing is it's taken this offence to get him into the system.

"His family has been asking for help for 10 months.

"Thankfully, no one was hurt in this incident."

Ms Jones added a team of health workers continue to work with the defendant and there are now structures in place to ensure he has support.

A probation officer who has followed Stokes' case from the start told the court the offence was committed whilst the defendant was "very, very ill with his mental health," but she was grateful to know "he now has a way forward and there is something in place for him."

Magistrates handed down a  four month custodial sentence, but suspended it for 12 months.

Stokes must pay a £154 victim surcharge and £85 costs and the knife will be destroyed, by order of the court.