A MAN caught producing cannabis with a "relatively sophisticated" setup has been spared jail.

Craig Hughes, of Chester Road in Oakenholt, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court for sentence on Wednesday.

The 42-year-old had previously admitted producing 70 cannabis plants, which was discovered by police on August 6 this year in Wrexham.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on the day in question, police had attended an address where Hughes was staying for an unrelated matter.

But they became suspicious about him and then detected a strong smell of cannabis from within the property.

A search led to the discovery of the 70 plants, as well as a "relatively sophisticated" growing setup including a ventilation system.

Ceri Lewis, defending, made limited representations to the court - referring the Magistrates to a pre-sentence report which had been prepared on her client's behalf.

She told the court: "Mr Hughes has been very open and honest regarding the offence.

"He says he is not addicted to cannabis but uses it now and then to help him sleep.

"His father is sat at the back of court and once Craig has his head sorted, he has a job for him.


"He wants to get back to normal, get off the cannabis and lead a normal life."

Ms Lewis added her client was disappointed to find himself before the court, having stayed out of trouble for a number of years.

The Magistrates handed down a 26 week custodial sentence, but suspended it for 24 months.

Hughes must undertake 20 days of rehabilitation activity and a three month electronically tagged curfew.

He must also pay a £154 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

The court ordered the destruction of the seized plants and growing equipment.