A Wrexham woman has been sentenced after a "prolonged" and violent incident outside a shop in "broad daylight."

Jennifer Moccia, of Y Wern, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday for sentence.

The 37-year-old had previously admitted one offence of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, which took place in Prince Charles Road, Wrexham, on July 14.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court the whole seven-and-a-half minute incident, which happened "in broad daylight outside a Co-op store", was caught on camera.

After playing the footage to the Magistrates, he described the offence as "a prolonged incident."

The other woman concerned in Moccia's offence had run the matter to trial and been acquitted of her alleged part in it, with the Magistrates in her case deeming she had used "reasonable force."

Mr Espie said: "Clearly there are times in the video when a substantial amount of force was used.

"I went through that video and counted at least seven times when the defendant instigated violence - before, during and towards the end of the incident.

"Despite the amount of force used, the defendant before you today kept going back."

Alun Williams, defending, told the court:" The biggest thing I can say for Jennifer Moccia is that she has no previous convictions of any kind whatsoever.

"And regarding the point my friend makes about the co-defendant, it's the first time in my career I've ever seen the kicking of a prone person to the head on the floor deemed 'reasonable force' but that's by-the-by.

"As far as the offence is concerned, there is considerable background and it's clearly not the type of thing I'd like to countenance in open court.

"Effectively, she and the injured party don't like each other - it's a long-standing grievance.


"She accepts she should not have acted in the way she did and she's very sorry.

"Nothing like this is going to happen again."

Mr Williams said his client, a mum-of-two, had been "crying out for help with her mental health" and it was hoped that the probation service could offer assistance to her.

The Magistrates handed down an 18 month community order with 20 rehabilitation activity days and a 12 month mental health treatment requirement.

She was also fined £120 and ordered to pay a £114 victim surcharge, as well as £85 costs.