A WOMAN who was caught on camera using violence outside a city-centre bar has been fined.

Amy Shaw, of High Street in Ruabon, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 27-year-old admitted one offence of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, which took place at Town Hill in Wrexham.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 1.30am on April 26, Shaw was spotted on CCTV 'engaged in acts of violence.'

The video, which was played to the Magistrates, shows someone striking Shaw first - but what followed was her "assaulting or striking a number of other females," Mr Espie explained.

He told the court it appeared she'd hit or swung at three individuals in total whilst other people were trying to restrain her.

"It's probably more a case that the red mist has descended and common sense has gone out of the window," he summarised.

Lorraine McClure, defending, told the court: "This is a really unfortunate incident.

"She comes before the [court] for the first time.

"When she was interviewed and shown the footage, she was disgusted with herself.

"The footage isn't great; and what is shows is that for no reason, the defendant was struck by a female outside a club.

"It's how she reacts that's the shocking part.

"She's ashamed, but she accepts her responsibility."


Ms McClure said at the time of the incident, Shaw was "struggling" and had been "going out and drinking too much."

She has since stayed out of the city centre and has sought assistance with her mental health, she added.

The Magistrates fined Shaw £200 for the offence and ordered her to pay an £80 victim surcharge, as well as £85 costs.