This year marks 30 years since the creation of the NHS Organ Donor Register, so this Organ Donation Week (23 - 29 September) NHS Blood and Transplant is urging people to register their donation decision and talk to their families about it, as more people than ever in the UK are in need of a lifesaving transplant.

Last year (2023/24), 154 people in Wales were among the 4,651 people in the UK who had their lives saved through organ transplants, thanks to the generosity of the 1,510 deceased organ donors and their families who gave the gift of life, including 63 in Wales.

Over half of those who donated had recorded their decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register. However, 7,600 people are still actively waiting for a transplant, including 271 in Wales.

Only around 1% of people who die in the UK every year are usually able to donate their organs after death.

Even though the law around organ donation has now changed to an ‘opt out’ system across the whole of the UK, family members will still always be involved before organ donation goes ahead.

Sadly, in recent years, support from families in Wales, when approached about their loved one donating their organs, has declined – so it is vital that anyone who wants to be a donor makes their decision known through the NHS Organ Donor Register. Research shows that 90% of families approached about donation would honour that decision if their loved one had confirmed it on the Register, so families are far more likely to support donation when they already know it was what their relative wanted.

More than 30 million people in the UK have already declared a decision through the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Organ donation – the experiences of two local families

Gaz Edwards and daughter ErinGaz Edwards and daughter Erin (Image: Edwards family) On June 6, 2023, Gareth (Gaz) Edwards woke up with a headache in the early hours of the morning. He was taken to Wrexham Maelor hospital where they diagnosed a bleed on the brain. The prognosis was poor and Gaz was kept on life support until he passed away the following day aged 32, leaving behind his fiancée Steph, his three-year old daughter Erin and family.

Gaz was popular, fun loving and much loved who lived life to the full. He had a Wrexham AFC Season ticket and enjoyed so many other hobbies including autograss racing, golf to name a few.

Whilst the last 15 months have been extremely difficult, his family have taken comfort from knowing that as an organ donor, Gaz has saved the lives of at least four people who would have undoubtedly died without an organ transplant.   

Gaz was such a kind-hearted person, who would always help someone and unbeknown to his family had consented to organ donation on three separate occasions. As a family they took great comfort and reassurance knowing that Gaz had consented to being an organ donor and that he would leave such a lasting legacy. Fortunately, although faced with such an agonising situation, they ultimately had the decision regarding organ donation made for them by Gaz.

Knowing that Gaz has saved the lives of others is humbling, especially knowing that other families have not had to go through the awful experience of losing loved ones.

On September 27, 2023, Bailey Kian Jones, sadly passed away aged 20 years leaving a huge hole in the lives of his family and friends. Bailey attended St Christopher’s school in Wrexham until leaving in July 2022 and was a much-loved young man with a kind- hearted personality.  

Bailey was a devoted Wrexham AFC fan who followed his beloved team everywhere, but he also loved to play darts and follow his favourite band - The Declan Swans.

On the evening of Saturday, September 23, 2023, after watching Wrexham lose 5-0 at Stockport, Bailey fell and banged his head losing consciousness for a short period of time. He recovered, but the following day he collapsed and was transferred to the Royal Stoke hospital.

His family were told the worst news that any parent could ever hear, which was, there was nothing the doctors could do to save Bailey as the injury he had sustained during the fall was irreversible. Bailey passed away two days later and as he was in hospital in England and under 21 his parents needed to give consent for Bailey to be an organ donor. They had never ever thought of having discussion regarding organ donation with Bailey however given his love for life and love of people they knew in their heart of hearts that Bailey would want to save/help as a many lives as possible, so they made the extremely brave decision for Bailey to be a donor

After saying their goodbyes to Bailey, they were told that Bailey’s organs had helped to save five precious lives which was extremely comforting for them. Six months later the family received an update that a further 10 people had been helped – a total of 15 people. As a family they are so very proud of what Bailey has done for others, it’s such a special gift.  

Their incredible son is so special - saving and helping so many lives.  

The end of September is organ donation week which helps raise awareness of making a huge decision to help save the precious lives of others. It is an opportunity to think about how you feel about organ donation and having those discussions with loved ones should the unexpected happen. Given the number of people awaiting an organ transplant the importance of organ donation cannot be emphasised enough.You can register your decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register which is accessible online.

(Image: NHS Wales)