IS IT TOO early to put the heating on and is it worth it?

Readers of The Leader have had their say on whether the colder weather has pushed them to putting their heating on earlier this year.

Plenty of you have been getting in touch with us this week to share your views and answer our question.

Sarah Ryan, from Wrexham, told us: "I'm 36 . My mum always had the fire on when we felt we needed it - which wasn't very often. I always had two duvets, hoodies, dressing gowns, fluffy pj's, slippers, socks.

"It made the house feel cosy being dressed in these clothes as well. I always make sure my kids have all this ready for the winter. I always buy blankets when they are on offer and over buy on duvets and duvet covers when in sale too. Stocking up is the best thing to do, if you can afford to do that."

(Image: staff)

Chris Murphy said: "Put a hoody and some pants on, people sit in shorts and t-shirt in December and wonder why their heating bill is high.

"Anyone older than 40 remembers actual cold when central heating wasn't a thing.

"Use a hot water bottle under a duvet if you're cold, I won't turn mine on for longer than an hour in the morning and at night, and that's when it's actually cold out."

Andy Gabriel added: "When I was a kid, we had one gas fire in the entire house, no central heating, and ice on the inside of the windows in winter.

"It is not normal to walk around in a t-shirt and shorts in winter, at 52 degrees north. Dress appropriately!!

"By all means burn your cash to keep tropically warm if that’s what floats your boat, but dressing for winter is a far better idea."


Charmaine Lewis said: "Buy electric blankets - 1p an hour. Got one on my bed and kids beds. If we are cold during the day, we sit with our electric blankets, nice and cosy."

Sharon Wightman, from Mold, added: "I've had the heating on a couple of times at night, only until I go to bed. I do go to bed early, and as I won't be getting my heating allowance this year, I think I will be having a lot of early nights!"

Kathy Davies said: "No - turn it on! Mine’s been on and off all summer! The older you get, the more you feel the cold!"

Jan Schutzmann, from Wrexham, said: "Get yourselves an Oodie, so warm you won’t need the heating on."