A WELSH Government food and drink roadshow is set to take place in Wrexham in a bid to boost the industry. 

The Welsh Government say they remain committed to collaborating with businesses to achieve its aim of creating one of the most sustainable food and drink supply chains in the world.

To further this goal, the Welsh Government Food & Drink Wales Sustainability Cluster has announced a series of breakfast meetings that will take place across Wales over the coming months.

On Friday, November 8, Rossett Hall will host the North East Wales meeting. 

Bringing businesses and experts together, the meetings offer a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded people, forge new partnerships and spark collaborative efforts for a greener future.

Boasting over 100 members from across the food and drink industry, along with government bodies and 30 academic organisations, the Food & Drink Wales Sustainability Cluster functions as the eyes and ears of the industry.

Working hand in hand to tackle common industry problems, developing networks and sharing expertise, it supports sustainable practices across the agri-food industry using the successful triple helix approach with government, industry and academia.

Featuring a series of discussions on the impact of sustainability on consumer trends, the evolution of sustainable packaging, and the role of environmental labelling, attendees also explored how retailers are addressing emissions across their supply chains and the implications for suppliers.


Robert Hindle, director of operations at La Crème Patisserie, said: “It’s great to see the diverse range of people come together from different companies within the sector.

“For us it’s about engaging with those stakeholders, trying to understand what challenges we have together and what we can learn from and collaborate with. But ultimately, move forward both individually and as a group. You cannot do this independently and it has to be a collaborative effort.”

Huw Irranca-Davies MS, cabinet secretary for climate change and rural affairs, said: "We are immensely proud to have recently hosted Wales’ first-ever Food & Drink Wales Sustainability Conference. The event not only highlighted many successes within the industry, but also underscored the collective commitment by food and drink businesses to learn from each other and embrace environmentally responsible practices.

“The upcoming breakfast meetings are another great opportunity for businesses that are interested in sustainable development. Events such as these form a cornerstone of our commitment to sustainability, and offer a platform for dialogue, partnership and collaboration in the pursuit of a greener Wales. I’d urge all food and drink businesses in Wales to take advantage of these opportunities for greater collaboration.”