New research has revealed that average annual electricity bills in Merseyside and North Wales are among the highest in the UK.

The findings, released by energy experts at Utility Bidder, show that residents in the region are paying an average of £1,353 for electricity.

This is £95 more than those in the East Midlands, who pay the least in the UK.

When combined with gas bills, the total average annual energy cost for people in Merseyside and North Wales exceeds £2,500.

South Scotland follows closely, with an average annual electricity bill of £1,311.

The region also has the highest average annual gas bills at approximately £1,245, pushing the combined total for energy bills to more than £2,500.

The South West is the third most expensive for electricity, with residents paying an average of £1,293.

Its average gas bill is £1,229, the sixth highest in the UK, bringing the total energy cost to over £2,500.

The study also highlights Merseyside and North Wales as having the highest electricity prices at 32p per kWh.

South Scotland pays the most for gas per kWh at 8.4p.

Merseyside and North Wales also have the highest average annual fixed electricity costs at £218.74.

London tops the list for the highest average annual fixed gas costs at £110.31.

Between 2019 and 2023, electricity bills in South Scotland have risen by 17.3 per cent, the largest increase in the UK.

During the same period, electricity unit prices in London have gone up by 10 per cent, the highest in the UK.

Gas bills in Yorkshire have seen a 23.8 per cent increase between 2019 and 2023, the steepest rise in the UK.

The research sheds light on the varying energy costs across the UK, with some regions facing significantly higher bills than others.

James Longley, managing director at Utility Bidder said: "Energy bills continue to headline UK news all year round, especially in Autumn 2024 as we head towards colder months and a new price cap rate from October. These constant fluctuations in energy rates unsurprisingly leave many UK residents in a spin when it comes to the best way forward to get the cheapest energy bills – and at Utility Bidder, we want to make that process as hassle-free as possible.

"Whatever your next cause of action, electricity and gas users should try, where possible, to limit their usage during peak hours of the day. Using any utilities throughout the night will prove cheaper, and you can set timers for appliances such as dishwashers. Other lifestyle changes which you will reap the benefits of include minimal tweaks such as switching your appliances off when you’re not using them, rather than leaving them on standby, or more long-term solutions include removing your gas boiler or installing solar panels."