With spider season underway, Britons are being given advice on how to keep the eight-legged creatures out of their homes.

Late August marks the start of spider mating season, however staff at Online-Bedrooms.co.uk have revealed seven ways to stop spiders from invading homes.

The experts are encouraging people to take preventative measures before spider eggs are laid.

Nic Shacklock from Online-Bedrooms.co.uk said: "The mere thought of spiders entering millions of homes sends shivers down our spines.

"Spider mating season comes into full swing at the end of August through to September, which means many of us could be facing an infestation.

"For example, spiders hate the smell of lavender and mint, so it’s worth giving these scents a spritz around your home.

"It’s also important to seal up any holes in the home they could potentially crawl through.

"Preventative measures like this are best for keeping these eight-legged insects out."

  • The first tip is to use lavender. Spiders dislike lavender and will avoid the smell. A lavender-scented essential oil can be used to spread the aroma throughout the home.

  • The second tip is to put up window netting. This will not only prevent spiders from entering but also other bugs such as wasps and flies.

  • The third tip is to seal any holes. Spiders often enter homes through tight passages, so it’s worth checking for any holes and gaps in skirting boards or floorboards and sealing them up.

  • The fourth tip is to spray white vinegar in corners. A mix of white vinegar and water can be used to deter spiders, as they dislike the smell. Spraying it in corners every morning should be effective.

  • The fifth tip is to use mint. Spiders dislike the fresh smell of mint. Lighting a mint-scented candle or adding fresh mint to meals can help to deter them.

  • The sixth tip is to de-dust the bedroom. Regular cleaning to remove excess dust can help to prevent spiders from entering the bedroom. This includes cleaning headboards, throws, pillows, and even mattresses.

  • The final tip is to use peppermint oil on a cotton pad. Dabbing a bottle of peppermint oil onto a cotton pad and wiping it across window ledges can help to deter spiders. The strong scent will prevent spiders from wanting to come inside, meaning windows can be opened without worry.