THE impact of Gresford has been incredibly powerful.

It is a dark moment in history but one Wrexham and beyond are not afraid to a shine light on.

George McGill, from Ruabon, has spent the last 20 years on a project that has the disaster at its core.

The 74-year-old has written a 140-page theatrical script, No Moon No Stars, a social history about the life of the community at the time.

Read more: Tales live on of a deathly silence, escape and discovery

He was born near Plas Power Colliery, Southsea, where his grandad worked in the 1920s. Despite having no connection with the industry himself, it has long captured his imagination.

George, who has illustrated the cover himself, said: "My grandad was a coal miner and I've always been interested in the social life of the coal miners, the social history.

"While inspired by the disaster, it is a work of fiction, an every day story of coal mining folk, it commemorates the life and times of a coal mining family.

Read more: Wrexham Miners Project - 'A life-saving place, I'd be lost without it'

"It's a story about Wrexham people, and I am a Wrexhamite."

Having been involved in amateur dramatics for many years, including Grove Park Theatre in Wrexham and Llangollen, George would now love for someone to take on the script to be performed in theatre.

• No Moon No Stars is available at Wrexham Miners Project on Maesgwyn Road, Courtyard Books in Llangollen and Amazon.