READERS have been getting in touch to share their views on what is now a year since the 20mph speed limits were introduced in Wales.

The majority of residential roads throughout Wales changed from being 30mph to 20mph last September.

This was, according to the Welsh Government, to help 'save lives'.

But, the move has been heavily criticised by members of the public, politicians and more since it was introduced, with a petition in opposition gathering over 460,000 signatures.

This week (September 17) marks one year since the 20mph speed limit zones became the norm on the majority of residential roads in Wales.

A convoy was held last weekend with over 300 cars driving across various parts of Wales in protest of the speed limit ahead of its one year anniversary.

Readers have also been getting in touch with us to give us their views on 20mph.

Jim Evans said: "The problem with this whole process started in the trial zones. It was slated wherever it was trialled including Buckley, virtually everyone said it was complete overkill to put it mildly.

"What did the Welsh Government do? Completely ignored the results and went ahead anyway. They have never listened to us and never will. We all need to accept that this is how they operate."

Diane Porter was thinking about the impact on tourism for north Wales.

She said: "As soon as tourists begin to say 'stuff this', they'll be off elsewhere for their holidays. There are plenty of other places to choose from some, admittedly, also having 20 mph limits, but the government are encouraging people to go elsewhere."


Simon Hallam told us: "I think I speak for the majority of the people of Wales when I say it's very unpopular and nobody wanted it and we still don't. Obviously there is places 20mph should be in use but that's common sense and the government don't seem to have any."

Stuart Perry said: "I know things don’t happen overnight but they’ve had 365 of them to get it sorted."

Some of our readers, however, were still in favour of the 20mph speed limit zones.

Adrian Barratt said: "Funny if any other measure that would reduce accidents by 35% was proposed people would think it's great but because they have to go a tiny bit slower they lose their reason."

Josie Hollins added: "Why go on about it? It's not exclusive to Wales it's the same over the border in England. I agree it shouldn't be 20mph in some areas but in other areas it's needed. What gets me is the country is in a mess and this is all some people have to moan about."

Others agreed that there are far more pressing matters to worry about.

Like Arfon Jones who said: "Why don't people protest child poverty or genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank rather than unimportant stuff like the 20mph. Get your priorities right."