A 'FANTASTIC' time was had by all at the annual Farndon Soapbox Derby, despite the poor weather.

There was plenty of laughs to be had in amongst the rain as the fun-filled event returned to raise much-needed funds for The Hospice of the Good Shepherd and other local community causes.

Whilst the weather was not kind and everyone was absolutely soaked in the deluge, the Soapbox racing teams once again outdid themselves with their creativity.

The crowds turned out in good numbers to cheer the teams down the high street and a huge amount of fun was had by all.


Justine Caroe, head of fundraising for the Hospice of the Good Shepherd said: "What a day for the community of Farndon that saw thousands of people turn out despite the awful weather.

"29 daring teams took to the track to raise money for the Hospice which we are so grateful for. The time and effort that went into building these fabulous karts was clear to see and every single one of them should be so proud of their efforts.

"A huge thank you to all the organising committee members, generous sponsors, volunteers, kart teams and of course, the public that came out once again, to support this fantastic fundraising event".