A FLINTSHIRE MP has explained his decision to vote in favour of cutting the winter fuel payment for thousands of pensioners in his consituency.

Alyn & Deeside MP, Mark Tami, was one of hundreds of Labour MP to vote against the Tory Party's attempts to block the controversial policy in the Commons last week.

People in England and Wales not in receipt of pension credit or other means-tested benefits will lose out under the Government’s policy. It is expected to reduce the number of pensioners in receipt of the up to £300 payment by 10 million, from 11.4 million to 1.5 million, saving around £1.4 billion this year.


In Flintshire, 28,000 pensioners are losing their winter fuel payment. 

Mr Tami said: "The decision to target winter fuel payments to the poorest pensioners who are on Pension Credit was not a decision we wanted or expected to make but was the right choice in the circumstances we find ourselves in. By introducing means testing we can make sure the least well-off pensioners still receive the help they need.

"We are also extending the Household Support Fund for the next six months because it is a lifeline for people who are struggling with the cost of living.

"If no action had been taken to repair the economy then it would have put the UK’s financial stability at risk, possibly leading to higher prices, mortgages and rents. When Liz Truss lost control of the economy it was ordinary people, including pensioners, who paid the price."