THE REED Foundation has donated £10,000 to Nightingale House Hospice – the much-loved Wrexham-based hospice that provides specialist palliative care services for those with life-limiting illnesses in North East Wales.

The Reed Foundation, part of the Reed Group, is donating £10,000 every week, for a year, to support 52 different charities, chosen by its employees. This means that by April 2025, The Reed Foundation will have donated a whopping £520,000. The initiative is a celebration of Reed’s 65th year of business and its founder Sir Alec’s 90th birthday.

Every week, a Reed employee is drawn randomly to nominate a charity of their choice to receive the incredible donation. This time around, it was Emma Francis – a temporaries consultant based in Reed’s Wrexham team, who opted to support the local hospice.

Speaking about her reasons for nominating the local charity, Emma says: “Nightingale House Hospice is very close to my heart. Both my dad and mother-in-law were patients there, and the care they received, alongside the support the staff provided to us as a family, is nothing short of amazing.

“Knowing a close family member is going into end-of-life care is an incredibly difficult and challenging time for all those involved. The hospice made that period more bearable for my whole family, so it was a no-brainer for me to pick them for my donation.”

Nightingale House Hospice provides personalised and compassionate care for those living with a progressive and/or life-limiting illness. It is completely free of charge to patients and their families across North East Wales.

Sarah Povey, Corporate Partnership Lead at Nightingale House Hospice commented: “We are incredibly grateful for the generous donation of £10,000 from Reed.


“Being nominated for this initiative is truly an honour as support from corporate donors and dedicated individuals like Emma enable us to continue our important work. The team and I are thankful to Reed and Emma for helping us keep our doors open and for making a real difference in our community.”

Emma said she was extremely excited to be picked to donate to a charity of her choice. She said: “This is a great opportunity to give back – not only to an amazing organisation that does incredible work, but also to the local charity. 

“It means a lot to me and my family, and it’s fantastic that Reed allows us the opportunity to give back to the community. The people who give their time and effort at the hospice are a special kind of people – and I hope this money helps them and the other families they look after.”