NETWORK Rail has apologised after a letter sent to residents wrongly informed them of the time noisy work would be taking place.

The company said essentual vegetation work is taking place along the Wrexham-Bidston line until October.


A letter sent to people living near the line informed them that the work would be taking place in daylight hours between 8am and 6.30pm. However, people living on Crispin Lane near the railway line were woken earlier this week to the loud noise of the works taking place overnight. 

A copy of the misprinted letter.A copy of the misprinted letter. (Image: UGC)

Network Rail has informed The Leader that the letter was wrongly printed, and was supposed to say 8pm until 6.30am. 

A spokesperson for the company said: “Essential vegetation work is currently taking place between Wrexham and Bidston to reduce the risk that trees and other vegetation can pose to the railway.  

“We wrote to residents explaining that we would be working in their area. Unfortunately, due to human error, the letter contained the wrong hours of work (8am to 6.30pm instead of 8.30pm to 6am). We are very sorry for this error and any confusion it may have caused.

“Our teams must work during the night when trains aren’t running to keep our staff safe and minimise the disruption to rail passengers. We will be sending out postcards to residents containing the correct information as a matter of priority.”