A WREXHAM man has been sentenced for stealing a valuable bicycle.

Harry Boyes, of Percy Road appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

The 22-year-old admitted that on April 25 this year in Wrexham, he stole a pedal cycle belonging to Phoenix Homecare.

Prosecutor Justin Espie set out the facts of the offence briefly, adding that the bike was worth £2,000 - but the defendant was only liable for £100 which was the insurance premium which had to be paid by the rightful owner.

On the day of the offence, he was "milling around" whilst wearing a "very distinctive coat," before he simply picked up the bike and rode away on it.


Stephen Edwards, defending, told the court that his client is a "man of previous good character" who had never been before the court before.

He added: "He's had the good sense to plead guilty and accepts he will have to pay compensation.

"He's in receipt of benefits."

District Judge Gwyn Jones handed down a 24 month conditional discharge for the offence and ordered Boyes to pay £100 compensation, as well as £85 costs.