A MAN who bombarded his ex-partner with abusive and threatening messages has been jailed.

Jamie Price, of Brickbarn Close in Buckley, appeared for sentence at Mold Crown Court on Thursday morning.

The 34-year-old had previously admitted one offence of harassment and one of intimidating a witness.

Catherine Elvin, prosecuting, told the court that the victim in relation to both offences was Price's ex-partner, Shauna Matthias.

The court heard how the relationship lasted from April 2019 to February this year.

And not long after it ended, Price began 'bombarding' her with unwanted messages and calls.

Ms Matthias warned the defendant she would inform the police, but he carried on - hurling abuse and threatening to damage her career by sending photos to her boss.

North Wales Police was informed and interviewed Price, following which he was bailed with conditions not to contact the victim.

But he disregarded the conditions and made multiple further calls to her - which were "relentless and abusive" in nature.

He even turned up when Ms Matthias was with a new male partner and verbally abused him, which led to the end of that relationship.

Price spoke to the victim days before a trial was due to take place.

He told her: "You pressing charges then? That's it, I've got nothing to lose now."

The defendant told her he'd put up a "banner" with her face on it - causing her serious concern that he was referring to an intimate photograph.

Following the exchange, she was very intimidated and for a "split-second," thought she could not go through with the trial.

But after regathering confidence, she went ahead with it and the defendant was charged with the additional witness intimidation offence.

Reading her victim statement to the court personally at the sentencing hearing, she said Price's behaviour had psychologically affected her.

"I feel like I've lost a lot of trust in people," she said.

"It's affected my job, it's caused a lot of problems in my family.

"When I go out, I am still always looking for his car.

"I haven't been able to have my own life.

Jamie Price (NWP)Jamie Price (NWP) (Image: North Wales Police) "I just want to to be able to go out and not have to think about him - I just want to be able to feel like me again."

Ember-Jade Wong, defending, told the court: "This appears frankly to be borne out of this defendant's inability to move on from the breakdown of the relationship.

"Of course he recognises that in no way excuses his behaviour.

"He has now been on remand for eight weeks - having never had any experience of the custodial environment.


"It has been a sobering and difficult experience for him.

"He is appalled by his behaviour and was acting in desperation in a way he is candidly shameful of.

"It is clear there is another side to this defendant's character. Those individuals who have given references speak to his credit very positively of him.

"He's clearly a hard-working man, having built up his own business.

"That is now lost to him."

Ms Wong asked the court to consider a suspended term of imprisonment.

But Recorder Wyn Lloyd-Jones told Price: "Between February and man, you repeatedly harassed the victim.

"I have no doubt it can properly described as determined and calculated.

"Then you deliberately intimidated her.

"You intended, I have no doubt at all, to pervert the course of justice in the hope this case would go away and you'd get away with what you did.

"You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself."

The Judge praised the victim for her bravery in coming to court to read her statement in person.

He concluded: "These offences are so serious that only immediate prison sentences are appropriate.

"A suspended sentence would not be sufficient punishment for what you did."

At hearing that, Price buried his head in his arms.

He received an overall custodial sentence of nine months.

A restraining order was imposed and will be in place until further order, for the protection of the victim.