A BANNED driver who fled from police at a petrol station has been spared jail.

John Dunn, of Llys Helyg in Rhyl, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

The 44-year-old admitted failing to give a specimen of breath for analysis, driving without insurance and driving whilst banned.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on August 4, CCTV operators advised police of a possible drink-driver in a Ford Fiesta.

It was seen travelling along Mold Road in Wrexham, before pulling into a Shell Garage.

When police attended, the driver (Dunn) ran from the car, leading to a foot chase.

But he was caught and arrested, following which he failed to give a specimen; and it was discovered he was both uninsured and banned.

In mitigation, it was conceded on behalf of the defendant that the offences were serious and crossed the custody threshold.

But the court heard the defendant has been to prison since the offence and his engagement with probation services has improved.

Dunn had also been assessed as suitable for an alcohol treatment requirement, the court heard.

A probation officer confirmed to the court that Dunn could be offered intervention to tackle his alcohol use.

It was also said that the defendant had been engaging with help to address his mental health difficulties.


District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "With your record of offending, I could justify sending you to custody.

"However it is clear there is some glimmer of hope whereby you're able to show you are working with probation."

District Judge Jones opted to impose 18 weeks custody, but suspended it for 12 months.

Dunn must undertake 10 days of rehabilitation activity and a three month alcohol treatment requirement.

He must also pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

A driving ban of 48 months was imposed.