A drink-driver who crashed his car and ran from the scene "covered in blood" has been sentenced. 

Kelvin Davies, of Lamberton Drive in Brymbo, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday for sentence.

The 25-year-old had previously admitted offences of obstructing/resisting police, drink-driving and assaulting an emergency worker - all of which took place in Coedpoeth.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that just before midnight on February 26, the defendant crashed his car and ran from the scene.

He was described as being "covered in blood" and when Police attended, they the defendant in a nearby field, hiding in a bush.

Davies actively resisted arrest and when the handcuffs were put on, he punched out and struck an officer in the chest.

Tests confirmed he had 49 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, the limit being 35.

At his previous hearing, the court agreed to defer his sentence as he was registered to undertake a four-week placement at a Thailand-based detox unit.

He was told all sentencing options remained open to the court.

Stephen Edwards, defending, made limited representations to the court at Wednesday's hearing, referring District Judge Gwyn Jones to a "very full report" compiled by the probation service.

But Euros Jones - defending Davies on the last occasion - told the court the defendant had a "very serious crack cocaine addiction," and that on his return from Thailand it was planned that he would attend Cocaine Anonymous.

"His parents are concerned about him coming back to this country because it's going to be a difficult time for him to continue the good work he'll have done in Thailand," Mr Jones added.

District Judge Jones told Davies: "You used unlawful force against him (the officer) - he does not go to work to be assaulted.


"And you made the job of police more difficult by escaping.

"I have read a letter from the clinic [in Thailand]. You attended their programme and hopefully got a lot of benefit from it."

The District Judge handed down a 12 month community order with 15 days of rehabilitation activity and a three month drug rehabilitation requirement, to assist with the work he undertook at the detox programme.

Davies must also pay £85 costs, a £150 fine, £114 victim surcharge and £150 compensation to the officer he assaulted.

A 12 month driving ban was also imposed.