Fraud and scam complaints have hit their highest ever level, according to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

The data shows more than 8,700 cases in a three-month period, with more than half related to online bank transfers.

By comparison, the same period in 2023/24 saw 6,094 complaints.

Janet Finch-Saunders MS for Aberconwy has warned residents to be extra vigilant.

She said: "Fraudsters are forever coming up with different evil techniques to con residents.

"For example, there has been a significant rise in complaints where people spot investment opportunities on social media and then inadvertently pay fraudsters using their debit or credit cards.

"Some are calling residents pretending to be their bank and asking for money to be moved.

"If you receive such a call, please hang up and contact your bank directly.

"Do not be ashamed if you are a victim.

"Make a complaint to North Wales Police and the Financial Ombudsman Service."