A MAN has been fined after missing a string of probation appointments in breach of a court order

Joshua Jones, of Moor Lane in Holway, Holywell, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Tuesday morning.

The 21-year-old admitted breaching an order imposed by the court in February this year for affray.

It had been handed down for Jones' part in a terrifying 30-person fight involving weapons outside two Flintshire pubs, which you can read more about here.

Karl Scholz, prosecuting, told the court this week how Jones had failed to attend a series of probation appointments between March and July.

However Mr Scholz explained there had been something of a "different picture emerging" since the breach proceedings and a report prepared by the probation service.

He'd been offered five unpaid work appointments and attended three of them - having missed one for acceptable reasons.

"But the most recent of those five appointments was on the 7th of this month," Mr Scholz added, "and he failed to attend again - without explanation."

The court heard that in light of the work that had been done in the intervening period, the Probation Service was not seeking to activate the suspended sentence, but to impose a punishment such as a fine.

Recorder Wyn Lloyd-Jones told Jones: "The position is that there's been a rather mixed picture about your commitment to this order.

"You were lucky to get a suspended sentence for affray, rather than being sent to prison."

Jones, who represented himself, told the court: "At the moment I have been struggling, I lost my job about 2 months ago but have bene looking for work.

"I've been struggling with my arthritis and my mental health.

"I know it's not an excuse."


Jones told the court he currently has a sick note, but once the note is expired he aims to resume unpaid work and intends to complete it.

He received a fine of £50 for the breach and must pay costs of £180.

"It's really important you understand," Recorder Wyn Lloyd-Jones told him.

"You're not going to get another chance, I'm sure.

"You have to do this work and you have assured me you will.

"Get rid of this or it will be hanging over your head."