CRIMESTOPPERS has launched a campaign encouraging the public to anonymously report information about crime gangs who misuse caravan and holiday parks in North Wales.

It follows concern about a rise in the number of criminals hiring out caravans and cabins in rural and remote holiday destinations across the region to stash drugs, weapons and other illicit goods. 

Criminals often target these areas knowing that the influx of visitors and the reduced police presence helps provide cover for their activities.


Radio ads are being aired across North Wales, urging the public to contact Crimestoppers anonymously with any information about suspicious activity or behaviour at caravan sites and holiday parks. 

This could include:

  • Vehicles frequently coming and going at unusual hours
  • Caravans/cabins that seem to have a lot of visitors for short periods
  • Large quantities of cash or other valuables being moved around

Hayley Fry, Crimestoppers mational manager for Wales, said: "Dangerous criminals hope to hide in plain sight whilst exploiting the peaceful seclusion of holiday parks in North Wales. This threatens the safety and wellbeing of local communities, as well as the many families who are visiting in search of a restful and safe break.

"We know that some criminals intimidate people into silence. Please don’t let fear stop you from reporting. By working together and speaking up about what you see, we can all be the eyes and ears in these more isolated spots.

“Crimestoppers ensures no personal details are ever asked for or taken, with the charity passing relevant information directly to the police to investigate on your behalf."

She added: “Millions of people have trusted Crimestoppers over the years. We’re grateful to them all. You too can make a difference, so if you hear anything or know anything about criminals using holiday parks for drugs, weapons and other activities, please let us know.”