A WOMAN is to be sentenced after hurling drunken abuse in the street and kicking a police officer in the head.

Nikita Nickson, of Coed Efa in New Broughton, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday morning.

The 29-year-old had previously pleaded guilty to using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, and was due to stand trial for one offence of assault by beating of an emergency worker - which she'd previously denied.

However, Nickson changed her plea in respect of the assault to guilty on the day of her trial.

Prosecutor James Ashton told the court that during the early hours of April 24 this year, police on patrol in Wrexham City Centre happened upon an incident outside the 1 to 5 bar on High Street.

Nickson had been 'ejected' from the premises and was shouting and screaming in the street.

Police noted she was "highly intoxicated," smelled of alcohol and was unsteady on her feet.

She shouted "f*** off" multiple times and swore at the officers, but eventually calmed down and was allowed to go on her way.

A short while later however, officers found her shouting outside a different establishment and arrested her for drunk and disorderly behaviour.

Nickson responded by flailing her arms and resisting the officers who were attempting to take control of her in what was described as a "melee."

Police Sergeant Ian Evans managed to place a handcuff on one of her wrists.

But Nickson pulled away and kicked out, catching Sergeant Evans to the head with her foot.

Mr Ashton told the court the Sergeant felt sharp pain, but was not left with any lasting injury.

The defendant was of good character prior to the incident.

Lorraine McClure, defending, told the court: "The defendant has been struggling with this incident.


"It's extremely shameful for her and she has said to me this is out of character.

"She had an argument with her friend in one of the clubs and it continued; it seems she got very frustrated with the friend.

"The police were trying to assist her and she accepts she swore and shouted - which is why she pleaded guilty [to the abusive behaviour].

"What she has been struggling with is that she had no desire to hurt anyone on that evening.

"We've gone through the body-worn footage at length and she has come to terms with the fact she did strike the officer, but there was no intention to do that - it was reckless."

Ms McClure said her client offered her "deepest apologies" to the Sergeant for her actions.

She added: "She's a very committed young lady who has been studying and working towards becoming a healthcare worker.

"This is now going to affect her job prospects.

"I am hoping for her that she will be able to move on from this."

Ms McClure added her client has no issues with alcohol.

The court opted to adjourn the sentence to October 15, in order for a pre-sentence report to be completed.

Philip Jones, Chair of the Magistrates, told Nickson: "It's very sad that someone of previous good character has lashed out at a serving officer.

"We have looked at our sentencing guidelines and we are looking to have all options open - from a low level community order up to and including custody."

In the meantime, Nickson's bail conditions include not to enter Wrexham city centre between 7pm and 7am and not to be found under the influence of alcohol in a public place.