MOTORISTS have been urged to drive more safely after one was clocked doing three times the speed limit.

During August, Buckley Community Speedwatch team members clocked 172 speeding motorists over the course of nine roadside sessions.

Of those, 158 were forwarded to GoSafe and will receive cautionary letters urging them to be better drivers.

Cllr Arnold Woolley, who leads the team, confirmed he and his colleagues commonly see people driving at 30mph in 20 zones - and even seeing people doing 40 is "not unusual."

But last month, the team's highest recorded speed was in a 20 zone - with a driver clocked doing 60mph on Raikes Lane in Mold.

Cllr Woolley said: "The 60mph - that's just plain awful, incompetent driving.

"And we are still seeing phones habitually being used by people whilst driving.

"You cannot be concentrating on two things at the same time.

"And we're still seeing tailgating like we've never seen - even in the 20 zones.

Buckley Community Speedwatch team at the roadside and, inset, a 20mph signBuckley Community Speedwatch team at the roadside and, inset, a 20mph sign (Image: Archive) "It makes the average driver very uncomfortable when they're being tailgated.

"In the past, one driver said to me - my car has ABS brakes, mate.

"ABS brakes, maybe. But we don't have ABS brains."

Cllr Woolley also urged motorists to take note of both the speed they are travelling at, and the signage for the roads they're on.

He added: "We once had a driver who pulled up and said excuse me - what's the speed limit, and what speed was I doing?

"If you don't know what the limit is, or how fast you're going - really, where are you coming from?"