A WREXHAM woman has made a desperate plea for information about her missing dog.

Maja Rekowska's dog, Roxi, has been missing for over three weeks - having last been seen at World's End, between Minera and Llangollen.

She has had Roxi, a Cane Corso x Staffy, for the last year.

Maja, from Caia Park, said: "We were walking our two dogs through a field when suddenly they both ran off after a rabbit into tall grass. Our other dog came back to us after we recalled them, but Roxi ran off a bit further.

(Image: UGC)

"Then when she realised she got lost she started running back to where we parked the car. When she was almost by the car people in a van got out and started chasing her, and she got scared and ran off, we haven’t seen her since."


Maja fears Roxi has been stolen, or worse, having been searching the World's End area for the last three weeks. She has reported the matter to the police. 

"We spent an entire week there looking for her and even sleeping in the car. There was hundreds of people looking for her and drones, nobody has seen her since she went missing."

She added: "It feels like a piece of me was ripped out and destroyed. Roxi is the centre of my universe, she is the most loving puppy, anyone who meets her instantly falls in love with her. The day she went missing is the day a part of me died.

Roxi and her sisterm Lexi.Roxi and her sister Lexi. (Image: UGC)

"I would give up anything to see her again, to come back home to her chewing on my shoes, or peeing on the carpet. We are all devastated, her sister, Lexi is heartbroken - she won’t go on walks, she won’t eat, she just lays in Roxi’s favourite spot and whimpers.

"For the last four weeks we’ve been searching for her - our friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers have been helping us search. We just want our baby girl home, we miss her so much."

Any sightings or information can be passed to Maja on 07922270725.