A YOUNG Wrexham woman who died from an epileptic fit had taken morphine, an inquest was told. 

Alice Kelly died at her address on Crescent Close in Wrexham on Christmas Day last year. 

At County Hall in Ruthin on Thursday (September 5), an inquest was held into the 29-year-old's death. 

It was told that Miss Kelly had previously battled drug addiction issues, but had turned her life around over the last five years after meeting her partner, Majid Bahramy. 

She suffered from epilepsy, which she had been prescribed medication for. On the afternoon of December 25, she text her parents to say she wouldn't be coming round as she was feeling "jumpy" and unwell. 

The inquest heard that later that day, Mr Bahramy found Miss Kelly unresponsive in her bedroom. He and a neighbour attempted CPR until paramedics arrived, but, sadly, Miss Kelly couldn't be saved. 

A post-mortem examination revealed that the epilepsy medication wasn't present in Miss Kelly's system. Morphine was present at a level where deaths have been recorded. Morphine has been known to cause epileptic fits, the inquest heard. 

The pathologist recorded a cause of death sudden death in epilepsy, contributed to by morphine toxicity. 

There was no evidence to suggest the morphine had been prescribed to Miss Kelly, but her partner said she had been free of drugs since they met. 

Kate Robertson, assistant coroner for North Wales East and Central, said "drugs have played a part here," and recorded a conclusion of drug-related death. She added that the "jumpiness" Miss Kelly had text her parents about could have been early seizure activity. 

Miss Kelly's family described her as a "cracking kid" who was a "completely different person" to who she was five years ago when she was using drugs.