HUNDREDS of assaults were recorded at HMP Berwyn over the course of a year, according to figures.

The latest annual report of the prison's Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) was published recently, covering the reporting year of March 2023 to February 2024.

During the period under review, some 558 prisoner-on-prisoner assaults were recorded - in addition to 173 prisoner-on-staff assaults.

The IMB also recorded that during the 12 months covered by the report, there was "a consistent increase in the use of force incidents (UoF) almost every month, compared with 2022."

According to the report, there were "two serious peaks, in March and June."
The number of individual prisoners involved in UoF incidents in 2023 was 741, a significant increase from the 546 in 2022.

"However the population has increased," the document explains, "meaning the rates per 100 prisoners have stayed broadly the same.

"Batons were used in 36 incidents. Any incidents where baton strikes are noted by the UoF team are investigated.

"Body worn video camera footage is used to determine the accuracy of the report and if strikes were actually delivered.

"If this is the case, a decision log is completed and the footage is retained.

"Inappropriate use of force reduced over the reporting period."


According to the data, PAVA (an incapacitant spray) was drawn 16 times in the 12 month period (16 draws with 8 leading to deployment of the incapacitant).

The IMB also noted that paperwork for adjudications is "not always properly completed," so cases "have to be dismissed as the paperwork is correct but issued incorrectly."

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: “The new Government inherited a justice system in crisis and has been forced to take action across the prison estate, so we can continue to lock up dangerous offenders, protect the public and make prisons safer for hard-working staff.

“We have a zero-tolerance approach to violence against staff and any prisoner found guilty of wrongdoing will be punished.”

In further guidance, the spokesman added that every prison officer in England and Wales has access to a body-worn video camera while on shift to help keep them safe and provide valuable evidence for prosecution if violence does occur.