ARRIVA has created a road safety booklet and posters in a bid to encourage children aged up to 16 to stop and stay at the kerb before they cross the road.

As lots of children go back to school, many of them will be taking the bus for the first time. Arriva is reminding all children – and adults - about road safety, especially around buses.

Matthew Mort, Risk Manager, said: “It’s really important that schoolchildren listen to our clear message: don’t leave the bus and go running in front of it – stop and stay.

“Wait for the bus to leave and then cross the road in a safe way.

“We understand that you’re in a hurry to get to school or to get home, but if you wait just a moment it could save your life.


“I’d also encourage any parents or carers to speak to reiterate the dangers of crossing the road without waiting and looking and make sure their kids are clear about how they should cross the road safely.

“There’s lots of practical tips and advice in our booklet, so I’d recommend you start there.”

Schools are sharing resources with pupils, highlighting the need to stay alert when crossing the road. Arriva has also placed these posters on buses, so children can see the dangers of crossing the road without looking.