FRICTION in a city centre bar erupted into an early morning punch-up at McDonald's, a court heard.

Four men appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court to be dealt with for their part in an incident which took place in Regent Street on July 26 this year.

The defendants, each of which was charged with using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, were:

  • Paul Partington, aged 33 and of Atlea Estate in New Broughton
  • Andrew Peagram, aged 38 and of Cheshire View in Brymbo
  • Charlie Jones aged 18 and of Frances Avenue in Wrexham
  • Lewis Williams, aged 20 and of Whitegate Road in Wrexham 

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that at around 3am on the day in question, a fight broke out at McDonald's in Regent Street.

Partington and Peagram, who were at the location together, engaged in a fight with the other two defendants.

It began when Williams remonstrated with one of the older males, following which Peagram started a fight with him.

Charlie Jones then joined in, as did Partington.

CCTV shown to the court showed the chaotic scene, as punches were thrown and chairs were picked up.

A chair was taken outside the restaurant at one point, Ms Jackson said, as one of the defendants was chased down the road.

The court heard Charlie Jones was the only one not to have gotten involved in the fight which continued outside the restaurant.

Ms Jackson said at least two other members of the public were present at the scene.

And the offence put Williams in breach of a conditional discharge.

Euros Jones, defending Peagram and Partington, told the court: "Lewis (Williams)' mum was in a relationship with Andrew Peagram's brother.

"At the bottom of town we have the Penny Black, and all four of them were drinking there.

"Lewis made a number of comments to Peagram there, and these two men leave the establishment and go to McDonald's.

"The younger men follow them and the arguments continue there.

"Mr Peagram accepts he acted wrongly and after several comments, does instigate matters.

"We can see Mr Partington is a peacemaker to start with - then he's attacked.

"He accepts he could have walked away. He did pick up a chair, but thankfully didn't use it."

Mr Jones said Peagram is a dad-of-three who is in full-time employment at Plastipak.

Partington, Mr Jones added, is also in full-time employment and has schizophrenia.

Sharley Potter, defending the remaining two men, said: "Mr Williams tells me there was an incident earlier in the evening.

"The other two men were considerable older in age, where both of these defendants are in their youth, at 18 and 20.

"Mr Williams tells me he suffers with mental health issues and is signed off work. He has no issues with alcohol or drugs.


"Mr Jones has never been before the court before and is not currently working.

"Clearly the behaviour on the night was unacceptable."

Williams received a £100 fine for breaching the conditional discharge, as well as a fine of £200 for his behaviour at McDonalds. He must also pay £85 costs and an £80 victim surcharge.

Jones was fined £200 and must pay £85 costs and an £80 victim surcharge.

Peagram was fined £833 for the offence and must pay a £333 victim surcharge, as well as £85 costs.

Partington was fined £666 and must pay £85 costs, as well as a £266 victim surcharge.

On Wednesday September 4, we carried a report In the Leader regarding the sentencing of four individuals following an incident at the McDonald's restaurant in Wrexham, titled 'Four in court over punch-up at venue'.

In the mitigation put forward by defence solicitor Euros Jones, we included an error in a quote which should in fact have read as follows: "Lewis (Williams)' mum was in a relationship with Andrew Peagram's brother."

We apologise for this error and any confusion this error may have caused.