A MINI cake shop in Wrexham has been forced to shelve its idea of having customers pay into an honesty box after suffering recent thefts. 

The Curious Cakery launched its 'Cake Shed' in New Broughton last month - whereby people could help themselves to treats before using the honesty box and Paypal account to make payments.

While the business, run by Emily Francis-Headon, has been a hit with the local community - it unfortunately fell foul of some people taking cakes without paying

The business subsequently closed temporarily as Emily decided on a new plan of how to proceed. 

The Cake Shed will continue, but will operate under a padlock code system. 


Emily said on Friday: "Sorry for our recent closure. It was essential to give us some time and headspace to figure out how to move forward after repeated thefts of horribly large amounts.

"But we have good news. We will be open again tomorrow and Sunday, whilst we trial a new system.

"The cake shed will have a combination lock on it, at least for a while. It will also have a Ring doorbell on the shed. You can either get in touch via Facebook for the code or you can ring the doorbell and we will give you the code using it’s speaker function. The code will be changed daily at this stage."

(Image: The Curious Cakery)

She added: "Unfortunately we will not be able to give the code to young people who aren’t accompanied by an adult unless we have spoken with a parent first.

"I’m sorry to do this - it’s really not what we want to do. We know that the majority of young people are the amazing kind of people who are going to make great things happen in the future. However this is hopefully temporary until we make further progress with the police.

"Thank you so much again for all the amazing support, cards, flowers, calls to the house, messages. You’re all wonderful."