Autumn marks the start of spider season, with the average person sharing their house with around 50 spiders seeking shelter and food.

Google searches for "how to get rid of spiders" have soared by 5,000 per cent in the past week alone showcasing the need to understand what is drawing them into homes.

People may be surprised to learn that sofas play a significant role in attracting spiders.

James Sheldon, owner of Online Sofa Shop, explained why crumbs in your sofa could be one of the many reasons spiders might decide to take up residence in your home.

Mr Sheldon shared: "Spiders are often drawn to your home due to the presence of insects that they need to consume to survive.

"Crumbs and other food remnants can slip into the crevices of your sofa, becoming a food source for any insects they attract.

"Spiders are carnivorous and like to be in warm spaces and are likely to seek out food sources like insects and shelter in your home.

"The small crevices and cracks in or around your sofa are a haven for spiders as they follow their prey."

He also provided tips on how to deter spiders, starting with cleaning a sofa of crumbs.

He recommended using a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool to get to the hard-to-reach areas.

After vacuuming, dusting should be done using a soft brush or a dry microfiber cloth.

Mr Sheldon also suggested a homemade cleaning solution: "Mix equal parts water and dishwashing liquid into a bowl and dab a microfibre cloth into the mixture, wringing it out to make sure it is damp but not soaking."

Treating the stain, Mr Sheldon says: "Gently blot the stained area, starting from the outside and moving inward to prevent the stain from spreading. Avoid scrubbing, as it can damage the fabric.

"After blotting, use a clean, dry cloth to remove any excess moisture. Leave the sofa to air dry or use a fan to speed up the process."

Maintaining cleanliness is crucial as well: "To prevent your sofa from becoming a hotbed for insects and spiders, vacuum it weekly to remove dust and crumbs and treat spills and stains as soon as they happen to prevent them from sitting in," he added.

Apart from maintaining cleanliness, Mr Sheldon suggests: "Prevent spiders from entering your home by sealing any gaps or cracks around your windows and doors using caulk, weatherstripping, or sealant, which helps to block their entry points."


He also suggested a few natural repellants, namely peppermint oil, vinegar solution, and citrus paste.

Lastly, keeping the house free of cobwebs is key.

He said: "Cleaning regularly is key to preventing spiders.

"Make sure to vacuum away cobwebs from windows and other areas where spiders may gather.

"Use a damp cloth and a mild cleaner to wipe down surfaces, ensuring you remove any lingering webs and prevent new ones from forming."