A new survey has revealed the most loved British childhood foods, with many people saying food tasted better back in the day.

Angel Delight, Findus Crispy Pancakes, Alphabetti Spaghetti, Beans on Toast, Curly Wurlys, Wagon Wheels and Salt and Shake Crisps were amongst the favourites. 

Nine in ten Brits say there are certain foods which instantly transport them back to their childhood.

The mousse-like, powdered dessert, Angel Delight, released in 1967 by the Bird’s company, won the crown as the most comforting, with a resounding 36 per cent of the vote.

Other strong contenders included flying saucers, Arctic Roll, packet custard, Curly Wurlys, Mr Whippy ice creams, and sherbet lemons, according to the survey of 2,000 British adults.

For many, it's not just sweet treats taking them on a trip down memory lane.

The refurbished device marketplace, Back Market's survey also found that beans on toast, bangers and mash, Alphabetti Spaghetti and Findus Crispy Pancakes ignited strong feelings of nostalgia.

The majority of those surveyed agreed that certain foods instantly remind them of their childhood, with some maintaining that some flavours can be even more nostalgic than old photos.

47 per cent of participants feel that food can transport them back to a specific time or place.

 In the wake of this nostalgia surge, many believe retro foods are making a comeback.

Many of those polled are even purchasing their childhood favourites to share with their own children.

The trend is driven by younger generations, with 81 per cent of 18- to 29-year-olds turning to old cookbooks for inspiration for retro recipes.


Back Market, hopes to embrace this nostalgia, partnering with sustainable chef and Great British Menu winner, Kirk Haworth of Plates London, to reimagine Britain's most nostalgic meals using refurbished kitchen equipment.

Mr Haworth said: "As a chef, I’m always inspired by the stories that food can tell, and the nostalgia we feel around our favourite childhood meals is incredibly powerful."

Luke Forshaw, from Back Market, said: "We’re thrilled to be working with Kirk and the team at Plates London, championing the use of refurbished technology and its positive impact on the planet."

The survey also revealed that 43 per cent of Brits believe there are foods that Gen Z will definitely not have eaten - including Fray Bentos pies, blancmange and Findus Crispy Pancakes.

However, despite the love for these retro foods, two thirds of the respondents admit there are certain dishes they used to enjoy, but now cringe thinking about.