A MAN from Connah’s Quay who made threats to his ex-partner to “smash her face in” and “slit her throat” has been jailed.

George-Marian Macovei, 28, of Mold Road, was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment at Mold Crown Court today (August 29).

He had previously pleaded guilty to two counts of making threats to kill.

Prosecuting, William griffin told the court that, between 11.35pm on August 5 and 4.16am on August 6, Macovei made 11 calls to North Wales Police, saying that he had seen his former partner, Natalie Wynne, with another male and wanted to kill her.

Ms Wynne contacted police herself later on August 6, reporting threatening phone calls from Macovei, which had included threats to “slit her throat” and to harm her family.

On August 5, she said, Macovei had made 40 attempted phone calls to her – on one of the few occasions when she answered, he threatened to “smash her face in” and to kill her.

Macovei was found and arrested by a police constable at 9.24am on August 7; when interviewed, he said he had been talking sarcastically.

Defending Macovei, who had one previous conviction for an offence of harassment, for which he received a suspended sentence in 2020, Simon Parry said there is “work that can be done with him”.


Mr Parry stressed that Macovei is lightly convicted, adding: “If offered the chance to work with probation, he would take that opportunity.”

Sentencing, Judge Niclas Parry told Macovei he was unable to suspend his custodial sentence due to his “lack of remorse” and him having “no realistic prospect of rehabilitation”.

Judge Parry added to him: “It is clear that you are a controlling bully who has no regard for women.

“Your conduct would have terrified your victim.

“It is sad to see that you do not show remorse, and that you blame the victim.”

Macovei, who asked if he could instead be deported after receiving his sentence, will pay a £187 surcharge within three months of his release from prison.