A WREXHAM woman who tried to get away with stashing cheesecake and diced beef in a pram has been handed a conditional discharge.

Jordan Griffiths, of Y Wern, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 25-year-old admitted that on April 27, she stole meat and cheesecake to the value of £8.95 belonging to Sainsbury's.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 3pm on the day in question, Griffiths entered the Plas Coch Sainsbury's store, selected the goods and made to leave with them.

But staff intervened and recovered the items.

The court heard the shoplifting put the defendant in breach of a conditional discharge.

Elzbeth Kenny, defending, told the court: "Jordan Griffiths is a 25-year-old single mother and I've been representing her since she first appeared before the court.

"You have seen her conviction history - and you can see how it is on a downward trajectory as far as the frequency that she's coming before the court, which was last 22 to 23 months ago when she received the conditional discharge for two offences of theft.

"She suffers ADHD and has now been diagnosed with bipolar disorder - she can often have periods of low or manic mood.


"There's no excuse, but on the day of this offence, she went shopping with a friend.

"No planning was involved, but her friend suggested it. She agreed and put the cheesecake and diced beef in a pram.

"When asked why she put herself at risk of getting into trouble, she said 'I didn't think' - and that's been the history of her acquisitive offences."

The court opted not to re-sentence the breached conditional discharge, as Griffiths had abided by it until the last month of its operation.

And as it was felt that order had worked well for her, the court imposed a new two-year conditional discharge for the latest offence.

The defendant must pay £85 costs and a £26 victim surcharge.