A NEWLY-launched cake business in Wrexham, that relies on trusting customers to use an honesty box, has temporarily closed down after being targeted by thieves.

Emily Francis-Headon, from New Broughton, launched The Curious Cakery earlier this month in a renovated shed outside her home.

The business has been a hit on Gatewen Road, offering homemade baked foods fresh from her kitchen. 

Emily's motto is life is too short to say no to cakeEmily's motto is life is too short to say no to cake (Image: Emily Francis-Headon)

Customers can help themselves to treats before using the honesty box and Paypal account to make payments.

Sadly, Emily has confirmed her new business has been targeted by thieves who are taking the items without paying.

As a result, the shed will close until further notice until she comes up with a solution to put an end to the theft.

She said: "On Monday (August 26) we had a group of four teenage boys, one on a bike and three walking who stopped at the cake shed in the afternoon and took a whole box full of cakes and ate some, left the litter and the box in the road and also threw other cakes all over the road.

"A few hours later they returned and did the same with three further boxes of cakes. Cameras have picked up this incident and the police have been informed. It was around £70 worth of cakes damaged and stolen.

Emily shares the variety of treats on social media each dayEmily shares the variety of treats on social media each day (Image: Emily Francis-Headon)

"Today (August 28) we had a further incident of two boys taking cake without paying. However they were caught and did return the cakes.

"Unfortunately we are now going to install a further camera on the front of the cake shed for extra security. Front facing cameras can be uncomfortable even when you’re being honest, so we’re sad it has come to this, but we have no choice in order for us to continue with the shed.

"After a third incident, we have no choice but to close temporarily until we know how to move forward with the business."


It has been her dream to launch a little cake shop for some time, and after her wife Jayne spotted a used caravan for sale, Emily knew this was her moment. While the converted shed remains in her front garden, Emily also takes her business on the road to special events inside the refurbished caravan.

She has admitted to feeling let-down by some people in the community, despite trusting customers to take what they pay for from her home.

Police have launched an investigation.

In the meantime, updates on when the business is likely to reopen will be shared on 'The Curious Cakery' Facebook page.